Stories of Change
"Growing up in church, I thought I just had to be a good kid. The Lord showed me it wasn't about being good, but about being born again!"
Matt M.
"God met me in the middle of my mess and changed me by His redeeming love! I love Him because He first loved me!"
Jami G.
"Christ has shown me what true peace feels like. He also helped me realize that, no matter the things I am going through, I know I can count on His grace."
Jaci G.
"I played the part of a Christian for a long time, until I finally came to the realization that I truly needed a Savior. Thank God that He never gives up on us!"
Timothy M.
"He gave me a confidence I never knew I could have and put me in a community of believers He knew I could grow and thrive in!"
Maddi S.
"God showed me the abilities that He gave me and let me see the reason He allowed me to have them. It wasn't anything for my good, but all for His! Everything works for His plan and His alone!"
Fisher H.
"He's shown me that He has a purpose for my life. Now all of my days are fulfilling while I'm ceaselessly joyous!"
Dace C.
"Jesus changed my life when I stopped asking Him what the church could do for me, and started asking what I can do for the church!"
Zach D.
"Before Christ, I felt as if I was missing something in life. The night Jesus saved me, I immediately felt like that missing piece had been found and I felt complete because of Christ's love for me."
Hayden G.